Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Gorilla in the Mist

Time to Say Goodbye (HD)

Among the many, many reasons I love Las Vegas, the fountain at the Bellagio.  Yes, it is a testament to extravagance and waste - a fountain in the desert - but my God, is it beautiful when the blast of the water cannons accompanies a moving duet.

This video is far better than the one I made in the daytime with my camera.  Also, this one doesn't have the intrusion of my severe southern twang when I comment to L, "I got a great shot of the rainbows."

When the show I recorded ended and I lowered my camera, I found a fine mist covered my chill-bumped (even in 100º+ heat) arms, and tears dampened my cheeks.  That's right - a friggin' fountain made me cry.  I wiped my face and runny mascara before anyone could see me and stuffed my camera back in the Crown Royal sack that serves as my camera bag.  After sliding it back in its place in my purse, I looked up to see L staring at me.  "I love you," he said and kissed me in front of the fountain.  My soul was happy.

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